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viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

Letter Fairtrade

Los Pellines 310
Vicuña Mackena

Dear Pepe,

How are you? How is going everything on Reñaca? I have been well this time and I have enter back to school the last week. I was writing this letter to you because I want to explain you de concept and ideas of an organisation that I have discovered a few days ago, I was finding more information on the web and it is called "Fairtrade".

Fairtrade is a choice of alternative approach to common trade that is based in partnership between producers and consumers. The main impact of this organization is the strategy for poverty alleviation and sustainable development, creating opportunities for producers and workers who have been economically disadvantaged or marginalised by the conventional trading system.
This organization was created in 1988 with the first Fairtrade Coffee from Mexico sold. After that they have helped many producers until now selling them goods like bananas, cocoa, coffee, cotton, flowers, sugar, tea, fresh fruit, gold, wine and honey. The Fairtrade mark is registered certification label for products sourced from producers in developing countries. Every product must meet international standards, Fairtrade Organisations International FLO, that are agreed through process of research with the producers, traders and academic institutions that make sure de good is properly and safe making this foundation one of the most responsible organisation.


Francisco Goffard

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