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domingo, 10 de abril de 2016

Comentario de Texto Intermedio Federico Garcia Lorca


Literatura NS

Comentario de Texto
Federico García Lorca

Diego Pertuzé
Francisco Goffard
The Mackay School
III° Medio C
Profesor Carlos Salas

8 de abril del 2016

I.       Localización…………………………………………….……………………………………………...3
II.      Estructura Métrica……………………………………..…………………………………………..4
III.     Tema……………………………………………………………………..…………...…..............4
IV.     Apartados………………………………………………………...…………………………………….4
V.       Análisis por verso…………………………………………..……………………………………...4
VI.     Conclusión………………………………………………………...……………………………………6

   I.        Localización


Ilustración 1 Federico García Lorca
Federico García Lorca:

Poeta, dramaturgo y prosista español, perteneciente a la generación española del 27’. Nació un 5 de junio de 1898, en Fuente Vaqueros, Granada, España.
En 1915, se dispuso a estudiar Filosofía y Letras, así como también Derecho, en la Universidad de Granada. Durante esta época escribiría su primera obra: “El Rinconcillo”
Más tarde, en 1929, viajaría al Nuevo Mundo, en Nueva York, en un intento de cambiar de aires, dada la difícil situación personal por la que atravesaba. Impactado por el modo de vida norteamericano, Lorca redactaría “Poeta en Nueva York”, obra que supuso un grito de oposición y crítica hacia la sociedad moderna, el capitalismo e industrialización.
Finalmente, en un 18 de agosto de 1936, sería asesinado por liberales en su ciudad natal, durante el golpe de estado, que daría punta pie inicial a la Guerra Civil Española.


Ilustración 2 Nueva York década del 30´
Estados Unidos, quien gozaba de su nuevo estatus de primera potencia mundial, luego de la Gran Guerra; vivía una época de esplendor económico y sobreproducción.
Esto contrastaría radicalmente con la situación en que se encontraría luego de la Caída de la Bolsa de Nueva York, en 1929. Sumido en una gran crisis, el capitalismo mostró su peor faceta, al ser encarnada por la pobreza de la sociedad.
Esto, sumado a la injusticia y discriminación, llevarían a Lorca a criticar duramente la sociedad actual norteamericana, la cual parecía ser el modelo a seguir del mundo entero.

II.        Estructura Métrica

Este poema presenta cuatro estrofas con versos anisosilábicos y en cuanto a la rima, igual que la métrica es libre. Además podemos encontrar principalmente versos de arte mayor. Cabe destacar que este poema posee claramente dos partes. Las primeras tres estrofas son claramente libres. Sin embargo la última estrofa de este poema está compuesta por cuatro versos regulares de catorce sílabas cada una, que a su vez está dividida en dos hemistiquios de siete sílabas cada uno, del tipo enunciado y profundización.

III.        Tema

El contraste entre la infancia inocente del hablante lírico  en España y su nueva vida cruda en Nueva York.

IV.        Apartados

1° Apartado (versos 1-5): Alegre infancia inocente e ignorancia de la dura realidad.
2° Apartado (versos 6-18): Imágenes de la vida campesina observada por el hablante lírico durante su infancia.
3° Apartado (versos 19-22): Cruda realidad de la vida adulta en el presente.

  V.        Análisis por verso

Es posible establecer la relación entre el título y el contenido del poema como la pausa y la posterior reflexión que vivió el hablante lírico, desde una infancia inocente a una vida ya adulta en la cual denota su pérdida de la inocencia y el contraste que vive en Nueva York. Cávese destacar que en “Poeta en Nueva York”  se le da una evidente importancia a la redundante vida que el poeta llevaba en ese entonces, mas en este poema toma real importancia la pausa y el cambio en la personalidad del hablante lírico.

1° Apartado: El poema comenzará con una anáfora, repetida a lo largo de las distintas estrofas de la composición lírica. "Aquellos ojos míos de mil novecientos diez", evocarán a la infancia del poeta, refiriéndose a su "yo" de 1910 como un "tú", otra persona distante, diferente a como es él ahora en el presente. Tales palabras se referirán a cómo veía la vida por aquel entonces. Destacándose la presencia en la estrofa de la actitud carmínica o de la canción donde se muestra la interioridad del “yo”.

El estribillo “Aquellos ojos míos” es un recurso usado por Federico García Lorca para dar el inicio en cada estrofa, introduciendo de esa manera el tema, como por ejemplo en la estrofa primera; a la alegre infancia inocente e ignorancia de la dura realidad que luego comenzará a desarrollar y así posteriormente en las siguientes estrofas.

Además al comienzo de esta estrofa es posible encontrar la aliteración del fonema “r, rr” el cual tiene como representación la rabia y ofuscación del poeta al escribir los versos, por la ceguera en su infancia que le impedía ver otras realidades. Esta aliteración se mantiene al pasar los versos al verse el poeta enfrentado a su falta de ver las realidades de otra gente.

El segundo verso representa su inocencia, e incapacidad de percatarse de las guerras y conflictos que se efectuaban al mismo tiempo. Fueron aquellos ojos, quienes ciegos a una realidad ajena, "no vieron enterrar a los muertos" de altercados, como el asesinato de las mujeres obreras en Nueva York. Hay una referencia a como su feliz contexto, difería con el sufrimiento de otros.

Por otro lado, durante la composición del siguiente verso, se continúa la descripción de los brutales sucesos ignorados por el poeta. Se hablará de una "feria de ceniza" perteneciente al que "llora por la madrugada". Esto alude a un ambiente popular, de carácter obrero, que probablemente pudo haber sido atacado, al punto de haber sido convertido en cenizas.
A raíz de esto, se contempla un contexto de  lucha social e injusticia, del cual el hablante lírico no daba cuenta de su existencia. Se alude al que "llora de madrugada", analogía de todo aquella gente trabajadora y esforzada, que madruga para ganarse la vida, con el sudor de su frente; pero que no obstante, no es tratada como debería.

De tal manera, la descripción será concluida, en los dos versos siguientes. Son aquellos ojos, los que no vieron, al "corazón que tiembla arrinconado". Mediante el uso de una prosopopeya, y un sinécdoque, se remplaza el concepto de hombre, por la parte más vital de su cuerpo, el corazón.
Este ser puro, represéntate universal del amor, "temblará arrinconado", rendido, buscando una escapatoria de lo que le rodea. Este será, a través de una comparación, semejado a un caballito de mar. Tal representación, refleja el símbolo de lealtad que tales animales llevan como estandarte. De esta manera, el poeta hará referencia a las personas honradas, a las cuales les tiene  un afecto. Tal aseveración queda demostrada en el uso del diminutivo.
De esa forma, las palabras de aquellos versos encabalgados, se referirán a un "caballito de mar", quien de cierta forma, corre peligro en un mar lleno de depredadores, o bien vale decir, una ciudad llena de gente con malas intenciones.

2° Apartado: En la segunda estrofa se refiere a las realidades, muchas veces lúdicas, que el poeta si observó en su niñez. En este punto utiliza imágenes muy propias de la vida campesina que le tocó vivir al poeta. Desde el verso ocho se refiere a elementos muy propios de España, como los toros y las setas y luego lo contrapone en el siguiente verso a la incomprensibilidad del fenómeno de la luna, tópico recurrente en la imaginería de los cuentos infantiles. Esta estrofa muestra los intereses del poeta de niño, pues sus ojos si vieron estas realidades. 
Luego el poeta utiliza más imágenes típicas de su niñez, pero ya insinúa elementos propios de la adolescencia, representado desde el verso trece por “los tejados de amor”. Vemos en el verso anterior al explicado la referencia a Santa Rosa como una metáfora de la Fe que el poeta perderá después. El seno traspasado es el corazón de la santa traspasada por la flecha del amor de Dios y la posterior utilización del participio “dormida” parece hacer referencia a la Fe que ya entra en un adormecimiento que finalmente será muerte.

De esa forma al comienzo de la segunda estrofa es posible encontrar la aliteración del fonema “s, z” el cual tiene como representación la tranquilidad y temple del poeta al momento de escribir estos bellos versos, ensimismado en los buenos recuerdos de su infancia tanto en la realidad del poeta, como en elementos característicos de una vida campesina y en los intereses del poeta de niño todo esto centrado en las experiencias que él vivió y fue testigo. Esta aliteración va en decaimiento, al pasar los versos, al verse el poeta enfrentado a la pérdida de su inocencia.

La cuarta estrofa otorga un ambiente muy oscuro, parece referirse al choque que el poeta experimentó al crecer. Su alma infantil es ese “desván” del primer verso de la estrofa donde el “polvo viejo” que es la tradición que ha recibido de sus padres se va juntando. La realidad va destruyendo de a poco los ensueños infantiles a través de los versos siguientes, así como un cangrejo devora royendo lentamente, hasta que finalmente los sueños de niño se enfrentan a la dureza de la vida adulta.

Es posible establecer durante todo este apartado la presencia de la actitud lírica enunciativa puesto que el poeta se ve enfrascado en la descripción de su entorno y los hechos sucedidos y vividos en su niñez. De esa manera podemos encontrar los versos “y una luna incomprensible que iluminaba por los rincones” y “los pedazos de limón seco bajo el negro duro de las botellas” como un claro ejemplo en la descripción del entorno del poeta al momento de escribir.

3° Apartado: En un principio, la estrofa nos denota un deseo de despreocupación inalcanzada. Cuando se manifiesta el anhelo de "No preguntarme nada", se refiere a la necesidad de no querer cuestionarse nada más, para evadir el estrés, tal como cuando era niño.
A lo largo de los dos siguientes versos, unidos por un encabalgamiento, el hablante lírico, se referirá a dos temas:
Hablará de él mismo, de cómo buscó lo mejor para si, al irse a Nueva York; encontrándose contradictoriamente sumido en el desamparo y la confusión, hallándose con un "vació" en su interior. También tocará el tema de injusticia, de la cual es un mero espectador. Un ejemplo de esto sería la vana lucha por mayores derechos, que protagonizaron las mujeres obreras en Nueva York; para finalmente ser asesinadas en 1911. Además criticará el sueño americano, el cual parece una falacia en el contexto de la Crisis del 29'. 
Da la sensación que las cosas, mientras más "buscan su curso, encuentran su vació", tal como se expresa en el poema.
Durante el siguiente verso, se expresará la progresiva deshumanización del ser humano. Nadie muestra bondad, actuando interesadamente por dinero; llegando a maltratar al prójimo si es necesario, esclavizándolo para su conveniencia. De tal manera se criticará el sistema capitalista, y la industrialización, junto con los efectos que estos producen en la sociedad.
Así, el hablante lírico describirá una ciudad llena de "huecos por el aire sin gente". Se reflejará la falta de personas que demuestre buenos valores, algo que parece doler y desesperanzar al poeta.
Finalmente, el apartado concluirá en una metáfora. Al hablar de sus ojos, hará referencia al nuevo foco con que ve el mundo ahora.  Se observan "criaturas vestidas", quienes no son más que el mismo ser humano, convertido en una bestia aparentemente civilizada al usar ropa.
Esta última oculta el "yo" de cada persona, y muestra lo que la sociedad quiere ver, un ser desalmado, de carácter robótico, que "¡sin desnudo!", no muestran su verdadera naturaleza.

En este apartado al igual que en el anterior es posible determinar la presencia de la actitud enunciativa del hablante lírico por la descripción de lo que ahora vive el poeta en el año 1929 en Nueva York. Cabe destacar los últimos dos versos del poema donde es clara la descripción de los habitantes de dicha ciudad, por parte del poeta.

VI.        Conclusión

Finalmente, es posible concluir, que la composición poética de Federico García Lorca, "Intermedio", expresa a lo largo de sus versos, la metamorfosis de su perspectiva de la realidad, y en general la vida.
Este poema parece tratar, en una forma muy oscura, sobre la pérdida de la inocencia infantil del poeta. En una forma muy íntima e indirecta, el poeta parece revelar, el dolor que le causa constatar la pérdida de la inocencia de su niñez, lo cual se manifiesta a través de una progresiva pérdida de la pureza, simplicidad y sencillez a través del poema. Esta es contrastada en la última estrofa, con una mirada fatalista del contexto presente en el que yace el poeta.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

The chase

1) veppers, refers to the woman
2) they are trying to catch the woman
3) fear: negative
   Triumph: positive
   Worried: negative
   Terror: negative
   Exciment: negative
4) she felt a shiver of exciment
5) "she already was trouble" she knows how they dress and act
6) they are to look better
7) on the house, hiding
8) because she has been running
10) they will discover her
11) she dug a tracer out of fer foot
12) relaxed; smothly
      Wide apart; wide rear
      Varied; multifloriuos
      Complicated; trouble
      Related; similar
      Asked for; called om
13) because he is wearing a headset
14) headset, night vision googles, rifle
15) future because of technology
16) mystery
17) narrator's side, is the coolest
18) death for the hunters

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

Creative Piece (598 words)

1982, December 3th

Dear Baba,

Time has gone very fast since you passed away, but feelings and memories I had with you are still alive in my heart. Nothing will be the same now that you are not with me. I miss your company and wise advice, but now with all the things that happened during your absence. I am convinced that it is time to take my responsibilities and become a complete man following your steps. In this letter I will tell you some things and feelings that I have lived during this time, some things like the house we have with Soraya or the trip I made to Afghanistan, you can't imagine how it has changed. It seems absurd to write you a letter now that you are dead, but as you can tell it will be easier to describe everything to you in writing. Even more I think you will notice that I am writing this to you because you always had the rights words, the balanced council, wise advice, which I long and need now.

It is still difficult to believe you are gone. I am very happy with Soraya and she is with me too, although we remain childless. Now I am a successful novelist in the United States, due to all the work now dedicated to my career, I can afford the house where we are living at this time. Some days ago and an old friend yours, Rahim Khan, called me by phone from Pakistan and he invited me to go there. When I was there, I got to know many circumstances and facts when I met Rahim such as that you sold our house in Afghanistan to him, your friend. Something more I learned was that Rahim brought back Hassan and his family to live with them in Kabul. Unfortunately when, Rahim was absent some Taliban came to the house and killed Hassan and his wife, but they had a boy called Sohrab that ended up in an orphanage. It was during an intimate conversation with Rahim that he revealed to me confidentially that Hassan was your son and therefore my half-brother. I must tell you that this information came as a shock to me. All my childhood passed before my eyes in a couple of seconds and a mixture of feelings almost made me collapse. On the one hand, I was happy to realize that Sohrab was my nephew, but on the other hand, I felt very bad that you never told me about this reality. Nevertheless, the blood tie are stronger than anything, "Blood is thicker than wine", as the saying goes. So I set myself to rescue poor Sohrab from the hands of Taliban and left to Afghanistan. After much struggle, efforts and suffering I was able to recover my dear nephew and with some difficulties I was able to succeed in my target of bringing him with me to the United States. Now we are a family. But was left a painful impression on Sohrab, he is a boy who has social problems, and he is extremely shy and has a few friends, whose acquaintance has been promoted by my wife and me.

It is difficult to bring up a son. I do not know how to do it, especially in these circumstances. My dear and beloved father, I need your wisdom in this moment to be able to face the challenging task of bringing up Sohrab. I pray to God that you will be able to guide me.

Your son that loves you,

Amir Agha

Rationale (175 words)

The kite runner is a book that tells a story of a young boy from Kabul, Amir, which his best friend is Hassan a young servant of his father. The story take place in a Backdrop of many events from the drop of the Afghanistan gobernment to the refugees going to Pakistan and the United States, and the ascend of the power of Taliban regime.
The last half of the book centers on Amir's attempts to rescue Hassan's son over two decades later. In this case I am going to develop my idea in a letter to say what Amir did when he went to Afghanistan and main events after Baba's death. This letter is refer to Baba, although he passed away, in formal structure.
This creative piece is connected with the novel because it will narrate some events and will make a continuation of the final, to complete a little the story and for this I will complete some aims like explain somethings what happened in the trip to Afghanistan and feelings of Amir.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

emackay task

Reading chapter 22 of the book we can refer to 3 differences and 3 similarities between the book and the corresponding scene in the movie:

·        1. In the book we can read all about what Amir is thinking in the moment he is talking with Assef meanwhile in the movie this scene is shorter than the book.
·        2. Another differences are the dialogues Amir and Assef have, we can see that in the movie it is resume and short.
·         3.Also a difference between the movie and the book is the way Assef and Amir start to fight and how does it finish.

·       1.  Some phrases when Amir is talking with Assef are the same, for example: “Here is something I will bet you never knew about me: I never forget a face”
·         2.Also we can recognize that all the costume and set design that is describe at the book is similar at the movie.

·         3.In addition we can say that the idea of the scene is the same one at the movie.

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015

Answers from chapter 12

1) Soraya’s story about her illiterate friend differ from Amir’s in the way they used they knowledge. Because when Soraya teach her illiterate friend she was happy of seen him written and learning, but Amir used to teach Hassan bud words telling him they were right and laughing because of his ignorance.

2) The period that is described as a ime of many firsts is when Baba started moaning in the bathroom.

3) Baba’s final resolution about his diagnosis was lung cancer but he refuses to receive treatment.

4) Amir was jealous of Soraya because her secret is no longer secret but out in the open.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

150 words dialogue IVF

Goffard: Hello friend, how are you?

Pertuzé: Very good, and you?

Goffard: Fine, thanks, I heard that you want to have a new baby with your wife.

Pertuzé: Oh yeah, I just leave the clinic, me and my wife are planning to have a daughter, perming the IVF treatment

Goffard: Oh men, but that is totally immoral, I am against it.

Pertuzé: I think is totally right to do this. Don’t stay in the past, move on, be modern. With a little girl in our family, we will get a perfect family balancing. If we get a daughter it will be a new experience for us.

Goffard: I respect that. Anyway I think it is inappropriate to manipulate the treatment to select the sex of their child, also known as family balancing because it is something un-natural and something in what humans do not have the rights to decide. Also, the way the fertilisation is than is disgusting as they produce more than one zygote and they “select the better one” just for convenience or favouritism, something elitist.

Pertuzé:  That what you think bro, you are not the one who have problems having children. After all is my decision, with my wife. I respect your point of view, but this my business. In the end we will love this children, no matter how is born. Is our dream to be parents, don’t steal that from us.

Goffard: I suppose that’s why this topic it’s so controversial, we can talk about this all the day but I have to go! As always it was a pleasure to see you.

Pertuzé: Hahaha, you are right. We can met again some other day, you know… we can have fun, talk 
about the life, this stuff.

Goffard: Yeah! See you later.

Pertuzé: Bye!

martes, 7 de julio de 2015

The kite runner

Winter of 1975
I am writing this so I could remember what happened that day of winter of the 1970´s. Every winter, districts in Kabul held a kite-fighting tournament, and if you were a boy living in Kabul, the day of the tournament was undeniably the highlight of the cold season.
That winter on the first day of snowfall Amir step out of the house early, still in pajamas like every year. The winter started. Hassan and Amir used to build their own kites until I thought it would be better to take them with “Saifo” to buy their kites. The tournament was a tradition in Afghanistan that started in the morning until the winning kite flew in the sky. That day I was in our rooftop with Rahim sitting on a bench, sipping tea. Amir and Hassan were at the street getting prepared. I thought Amir was unsure of being there, there were so many people on our street, so I that it would be good to wave Amir so he could be more confident of himself. After some time of tournament Amir and Hassan continued at the kite-fight, many kites were going down until it was a blue kite and Amir and Baba´s one. After time finally Amir could win, I was surprised with his achievement. At the night Amir brought the blue kite home that Hassan take.

Something happened after Amir won between him and Hassan, they stop talking and playing together, something I don´t know.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

Letter Fairtrade

Los Pellines 310
Vicuña Mackena

Dear Pepe,

How are you? How is going everything on Reñaca? I have been well this time and I have enter back to school the last week. I was writing this letter to you because I want to explain you de concept and ideas of an organisation that I have discovered a few days ago, I was finding more information on the web and it is called "Fairtrade".

Fairtrade is a choice of alternative approach to common trade that is based in partnership between producers and consumers. The main impact of this organization is the strategy for poverty alleviation and sustainable development, creating opportunities for producers and workers who have been economically disadvantaged or marginalised by the conventional trading system.
This organization was created in 1988 with the first Fairtrade Coffee from Mexico sold. After that they have helped many producers until now selling them goods like bananas, cocoa, coffee, cotton, flowers, sugar, tea, fresh fruit, gold, wine and honey. The Fairtrade mark is registered certification label for products sourced from producers in developing countries. Every product must meet international standards, Fairtrade Organisations International FLO, that are agreed through process of research with the producers, traders and academic institutions that make sure de good is properly and safe making this foundation one of the most responsible organisation.


Francisco Goffard

domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

The kite runner

Part 1:
Part 2:

sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Letter to a friend about sports

Dear Pepe,

 I am writing this letter to you because we haven't talk long time ago, so I want to know how have you been on this time and also to tell you something.
The las month I was practicing swimming like every tuesday, but that day wouldn't be like the others. When I was at the middle of the training a terrible pain came to my leg so I stop swimming and as I could I went to the shore of the swimming pool. I didn't know what was happening , but then my mother took me to a clinic and after some exams we know that I had a torn of ligaments so I had to stop training for two weeks.

Your Friend,
Francisco Goffard

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Poem visualisation

First shot: There is a wide shot aimming at the hill and the afternoon.
Secon shot: A medium close up is recording the nature heaven and the sea.
Third shot: A wide shot recorded a sea making a harmony place in a high angle.

Opinion essay sources

Source 1:

1. Spread of disease
As northern countries warm, disease carrying insects migrate north, bringing plague and disease with them. Indeed some scientists believe that in some countries, thanks to global warming,malaria has not beenfully eradicated.
2. Warmer waters and more hurricanes
As the temperature of oceans rises, so will the probability of more frequent and stronger hurricanes. We saw in this in 2004 and 2005.
3. Increased probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves
Although some areas of Earth will become wetter due to global warming, other areas will suffer serious droughts and heat waves. Africa will receive the worst of it, with more severe droughts also expected in Europe. Water is already a dangerously rare commodity in Africa, and according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global warming will exacerbate the conditions and could lead to conflicts and war.
4. Economic consequences
Most of the effects of anthropogenic global warming won’t be good. And these effects spell one thing for the countries of the world: economic consequences. Hurricanes cause billions of dollars in damage, diseases cost money to treat and control and conflicts exacerbate all of these.
5. Polar ice caps melting
The ice caps melting is a four-pronged danger.
First, it will raise sea levels. There are 5,773,000 cubic miles of water in ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, if all glaciers melted today the seas would rise about 230 feet. Luckily, that’s not going to happen all in one go! But sea levels will rise.
Second, melting ice caps will throw the global ecosystem out of balance. The ice caps are fresh water, and when they melt they will desalinate the ocean, or in plain English – make it less salty. The desalinization of the Gulf current will “screw up” ocean currents, which regulate temperatures. The stream shutdown or irregularity would cool the area around Northeast America and Western Europe. Luckily, that will slow some of the other effects of global warming in that area!
Third, temperature rises and changing landscapes in the Artic Circle will endanger several species of animals. Only the most adaptable will survive.
Fourth, global warming could snowball with the ice caps gone. Ice caps are white, and reflect sunlight, much of which is reflected back into space, further cooling Earth. If the ice caps melt, the only reflector is the ocean. Darker colors absorb sunlight, further warming the Earth.
6.Death by smog
A powerful combination of vehicular fumes, ground-level ozone, airborne industrial pollution and the stagnant hot air associated with heat waves, smog represents an immediate and chronic health threat to those living in built-up urban areas.
It exacerbates pre-existing health conditions that affect the respiratory system such as emphysema, bronchitis and asthma, and in general impedes the immune system’s ability to fight against infection and disease.
A hotter climate tends to lead directly to an increase in the levels of ozone, with smog-related deaths predicted to rise by “about 4.5 percent from the 1990s to the 2050s,” according to relevant studies undertaken by Columbia and Johns Hopkins universities.


Source 2:

The planet is warming, from North Pole to South Pole, and everywhere in between. Globally, the mercury is already up more than 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius), and even more in sensitive polar regions. And the effects of rising temperatures aren’t waiting for some far-flung future. They’re happening right now. Signs are appearing all over, and some of them are surprising. The heat is not only melting glaciers and sea ice, it’s also shifting precipitation patterns and setting animals on the move.
Some impacts from increasing temperatures are already happening.
·        Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic sea ice.
·        Researcher Bill Fraser has tracked the decline of the Adélie penguins on Antarctica, where their numbers have fallen from 32,000 breeding pairs to 11,000 in 30 years.
·        Sea level rise became faster over the last century.
·        Some butterflies, foxes, and alpine plants have moved farther north or to higher, cooler areas.
·        Precipitation (rain and snowfall) has increased across the globe, on average.
·        Spruce bark beetles have boomed in Alaska thanks to 20 years of warm summers. The insects have chewed up 4 million acres of spruce trees.
Other effects could happen later this century, if warming continues.
·        Sea levels are expected to rise between 7 and 23 inches (18 and 59 centimeters) by the end of the century, and continued melting at the poles could add between 4 and 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters).
·        Hurricanes and other storms are likely to become stronger.
·        Species that depend on one another may become out of sync. For example, plants could bloom earlier than their pollinating insects become active.
·        Floods and droughts will become more common. Rainfall in Ethiopia, where droughts are already common, could decline by 10 percent over the next 50 years.
·        Less fresh water will be available. If the Quelccaya ice cap in Peru continues to melt at its current rate, it will be gone by 2100, leaving thousands of people who rely on it for drinking water and electricity without a source of either.
·        Some diseases will spread, such as malaria carried by mosquitoes.
·        Ecosystems will change—some species will move farther north or become more successful; others won’t be able to move and could become 

Source 3:

 #1 Poverty, Hunger And Lack Of Drinking Water:

28 percent of the EU said that poverty, hunger and lack of drinking water represented the biggest problem for the world.
That number was 34 percent when a similar survey was conducted in 2009.
Who is the most caring nation? France, though over half of those surveyed in all countries said that poverty was a global issue.
The least caring? the United Kingdom, where 49 percent of people surveyed didn't mention global poverty as a big problem.
#2 Climate Change
20 percent of Europe think that climate change is the world's biggest problem.
On average, when asked to score out of 10 how big a threat climate change was, Europe rated it at 7.4.
Sweden and Luxembourg were the most concerned nations, but the Portuguese have other problems; only seven percent of Portugal thought climate change was a global issue. 


Opinion Essay

In this essay I am going to discuss about one of the main global issues,global warming. I am writing this essay to qualify the most significant issues so we can generate priorities on this matter. For this, I am going to analyze some arguments for and against this topic and make a conclusion based on the facts provided.

Firstly, it is important to know that global warming causes many problems and negative consequences to people all over the world and is for this reason that I think that this matter is the most  considerable issue. Also according to Simmons in, global warming has 20 deadliest effects; some of them are warmer waters and more hurricanes as temperature of oceans rises. So there will be more probability of more frequent and stronger hurricanes. Another deadliest effect is the thead by smog and the spread of diseases. As northern countries warm, diseases carrying insects migrate north, bringing plagues with them.

Secondly, we should also remember that the planet is getting warmer, all over the world, from North Pole to South Pole. Globally, the temperature has already gone up more than 1 Celsius degree, and much more in Polar zones and the effects of rising temperature aren't waiting for some far-flung future since many of the negative consequences are happening right now and the main of them are for example the migration of many types of animals; as National Geographic said. Sea level rise became faster over the last century and precipitation has increased across some zones, reducing the rain in other places and hurricanes are becoming stronger.

On the other hand, there are many opinions on this topic and because of that some statistics,  for example statics from, said that the hung and lack of drinking is the most significant issue; 28% of Europeans said that it represents the biggest problem for the world, and just the 20% of the people said that climate change is the main problem.

In conclusion, analyzing arguments for and against this topic we can express that  the climate change is the most important topic because it causes huge problems that have being before appointed, all the deadlist consequences, the changes of the environment and problems for people.